Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Side Step

We have had some great conversations this week with folks who suggested an interim step as we assess if it makes sense to have a Schedule: the concept is to be added to an existing services Schedule as a subcontractor and utilize the Schedule holder as a prime.  This idea is obviously not novel, as we work through primes on other vehicles (CONNECTIONS, SEWP, OEM Schedule 70, etc.), but as a temporary measure and barometer for gauging our ability to sell our services on Schedule, it seems to be a low cost of entry approach.  Additionally, this prime has other services companies as subs on its Schedule, so the teaming and business development opportunities expand exponentially.  That’s the part I like.
I would love your thoughts on this strategy.
Tomorrow I will be at the monthly meeting of the Independent Telecommunications Pioneers Association (National Capital Chapter) at the Pier Seven Restaurant in D.C.  If you attend regularly, come find me and we can chat. If not, $40 gets you a nice lunch and a speaker, who is always a Federal employee of some stature.  Check out http://www.itpancc.org/Home_Page.html for details.
A point of clarification on my last post: the free technical webinar on Thursday is not purely a Q&A session as one might conclude from my description of it.  There will be a formal technical preso with time allotted for Q&A.  It is not too late to sign up!

1 comment:

  1. Dan,

    Here is the link for people to sign up for the webinar on Thursday January 20th. http://bit.ly/h8e7Np
