Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Step Quickly

Followers of this blog know that Cross has a substantial technical education offering—Cross University:  http://www.crosstelecom.com/crossUniversity/index.asp .  Cross U offers classroom training, on-line self-paced training, and webinars (private webinars for a fee and monthly public free webinars)—all of these will be on our Schedule.
This is short notice but we have slots available for our next class on a topic near and dear to most enterprise telecom and IT managers.   Hollywood seems to be remaking a lot of classic (and not so classic) movies the last few years.  Were they to remake The Graduate, I’m pretty sure the “just one word” Mr. McGuire would telling young Ben about wouldn’t be “plastics,” it would be…SIP!
The great news is that Ben, or anyone else who can get themselves to Bloomington next week, can receive a 2.5 day education on the basics of Session Initiation Protocol for the low, low price of $1,875.  That is well below the micropurchase threshold and within most P-card limits.  Details are here: http://www.crosstelecom.com/crossUniversity/CU_SIP_CourseOutline.pdf
Class starts on April 19—please contact me at dketchen@crosstelecom.com to sign up!  If you sign-up directly, please let me know.

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