Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lots of Shoes to Choose from

Since the acquisition of Cross Telecom by Arrow Electronics last month, I'm feeling a bit like Imelda Marcos--lots of shoes to choose from as we plan our next steps.  As I've written about previously, Cross has been a reseller on the Avaya Federal and Avaya Government Solutions Schedules for years.  Now, under our corporate umbrella, there are Schedules held by Arrow and our sister telecom company Shared Technologies.

I haven't blogged much lately--there are many integration activities going on and I have not had much to report.  Our GSA Schedule program is still active and as I learn more and get some decisions back, I will update the blog.  Check back regularly.  For now, here are some links that demonstrate the pretty ridiculous depth and breadth of our capability to serve the telephony and data systems marketplace:

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